What is a Coach?
Athletes use coaches to help them become the best athletes they can be. Coaches encourage you, believe in you, hold you accountable to help you reach your goals. Give you action steps to get you to move in the direction you want to go and give you tools to become the best at what you do.
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What is a A Life Coach?
A Life Coach is very similar to a athletic coach only its not focused solely on the physical goals its about helping you live a life true to yourself on every level of your life whether its physical, emotional or business goals my job as a Life Coach is to help you achieve the life you want. I call the process “Becoming a Detective in Your Own Life”. Once I help you understand whats blocking you from having the life you want then I will give you action steps towards achieving your goals and creating a fabulous life.
What is Consciousness Coach and why do I need to have consciousness in my life?
Consciousness is the ability to become aware of yourself. Difficult to do but not impossible to achieve. It takes time, encouragement and patience to cultivate but it is possible to become a conscious observer of yourself. We are all aware of others behaviours but seldom our own because its very difficult to watch yourself in action. How the outside world perceives us and how we think we act to the outside world and who we think we are is often not the same.
Being aware of how you act is becoming Conscious. My passion is to help you see when and where and why you have moments of unconsciousness in your life and how this is keeping you from the life you want. Without consciousness in your life its very confusing and difficult to understand why you haven't reached the life you wished for, why your relationships aren't working, why you don't have the job you want, etc. Once you have this level of awareness you will start to see how you can now achieve the life you dreamed of having. Many never go on this journey and its not for the faint of heart, it requires a trust and faith in yourself that we in our society have not yet been taught to cultivate and its waiting to be discovered in you for you.
You are the very thing you have been waiting for, its time to unlock it.
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I have you build an awareness muscle in your consciousness so that you can make conscious choices in your “choices” to achieve what you want in life. We all think that if we make a choice then it must be conscious, nope its not true, I discovered that some of my choices came from my conditioning not my true self.
“The body knows the truth; you can't fool it. Unfortunately, the mind thinks you can and tries, but what happens is health issues arise when you listen more to the mind than the body which is communicating your truth to you through its pain in the body.”
In short A Consciousness Coach is a person who can see/read your unconscious thoughts and actions and reflect them back to you so that you can see also. Once that happens consciousness has been brought in and then from that place you can now make a “conscious” choice. Then I go on to teach you how to do this for yourself on a regular basis.
This is nearly impossible to achieve without a direct experience or someone who has been before you to coach you through the steps and encourage you to keep going. If this intrigues you please book an appointment and see if I can help you unlock your magnifisense.